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Copyright of The Voice of China Belongs to Who? Zhejiang satellite TV: Only Lawful Holder is Us
     发布时间:2017-05-30 16:44:10    

   中国网浪潮资讯 北京时间5月29日上午,浙江卫视再度发表声明,称《中国好声音》节目名唯一合法权益人是浙江卫视,荷兰Tapla公司与唐德影视的主张均不正确,浙江卫视享有《好声音》该商标的专用权,唐德利用《中国好声音》之名进行招商宣传已经构成侵权。

  CNCAO NEWS On the morning of May 29,BJT,Zhejiang satellite TV stated again that the only lawful holder of the name,the Voice of China,must be them and the proposals brought by Tapla,a company from Netherland,along with Talent Television Film was incorrect that for Zhejiang satellite held the private right of the trademark of this TV program.The behavior of Talent,using the name of this program for investment promotion,had constituted a trademark infringement.
  And before that,on May 18,BJT,Zhejiang Radio and Television Group(the administration of Zhejiang satellite)filed a lawsuit against Talent and the wholly owned subsidiary,Talent Media,in Zhejiang Provincial higher people's Court for the issue of the copyright of the Voice of China.
  Relevant person in charge of Zhejiang Satellite states when being interviewed that their group is not the litigious party in this case of trade mark infringement and illicit compelition.The preliminary temporary injunction of Beijing Intellectual Property Court also didn't show clear support the behavior of stopping using the name of the Voice of China in"the program broadcast",initiated by Talent.
  Besides,according to the regulation in Trademark Law of the People's Republic of China,it is the judicial review that is the final award in procedures of invalidation.At the time the above case is being on trial,the series of"the Voice"registered trademark,registered by Blue Star Media,is still lawful and valid.
  至于该节目已更名为《中国新歌声》,浙江卫视解释,这是考虑到灿星与唐德的版权案,为了表示对法律的尊重,节目才暂时改名,并非是传闻中所说法院裁定;故浙江卫视从始至终都享有《中国好声音》该栏目名称的合法权益。(中国网作者 邓一鸣综合报道 孙吴琦/译)
  As for why the name has been changed to Sing!China,Zhejiang Satellite explains that it is out of the consideration of the copyright case between Travelstar and Talent,which is for the sake of presenting respect for the law instead of so-said following holding of the court.And Zhejiang satellite holds the lawful right and interests of the name,the Voice of China,from first to last.

来源: 中国网综合    | 作者:邓一鸣 孙吴琦/译    | 责编:邓一鸣     电子信箱:184042016@qq.com    

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