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Read the zhejiang model of "Safe China"
     发布时间:2017-05-31 14:38:46    

  中国网浪潮资讯 据浙江当地媒体报道,从2004年提出“平安浙江”建设以来,浙江已经被公认为中国最安全、社会公平指数最高的省份之一。作为“平安中国”的先行区,浙江为“平安中国”提供了丰富的思想理论准备和地方经验支撑。

CNCAO NEWS According to local media reports in Zhejiang,since the construction of "Safe Zhejiang" was proposed in 2004 ,Zhejiang has been recognized as one of the safest, highest social equity provinces in China.As the leading area of "Safe China", Zhejiang has provided abundant theoretical preparation and local experience to support “Safe China”.



According to the report, in May 2004, Zhejiang became the first province in China to put forward the comprehensive deployment of "Great Safe".Previously, Zhejiang once suffered "growing pains",as the economic more develops, the social contradictions become more outstanding.


According to the introduction, the orientation of the construction of "Safe Zhejiang" is to adhere to the principle of people-oriented and joint construction and sharing.In the past 13 years, Zhejiang has made every effort to carry out the practical livelihood of the people,support the poor accurately,and promoted the innovation and development of social undertakings with the equalization of public services.From 2004 to 2016, the province's financial and people's livelihood investment increased by an average annual rate of 10.6%,take the lead in implementing the social stability risk assessment system of major decisions,establish a multi-resolution mechanism for disputes.Last year, more than 95% of the contradictions and disputes in Zhejiang were settled properly under the villages and towns.



As an important guarantee of the construction of “Safe Zhejiang”, the construction of the rule of law has also become the focus of Zhejiang.In recent years, Zhejiang has promoted supervision and control in key areas such as security, production safety, food and drug safety, ecological and environmental safety and network Security.In promoting the "run at the most once" reform at the same time, to promote standardization of law enforcement. "acting by law" has become a "fashion" in Zhejiang society".


In addition, Zhejiang has made remarkable achievements in exploring new models of social governance such as "Internet + social governance", "Internet + law enforcement justice".Currently, the information system for the safe construction of zhejiang province has been involved in more than 100,000 PC terminals,more than 108,000 mobile terminals and 4380,000 users registered Safe Zhejiang APP , which covers the whole Zhejiang province.It is the only comprehensive information system of social governance in China.


As the 2016 G20 Hangzhou summit and a series of international events are held,China and Zhejiang are sending the world the great condition of peaceful development.

  (中国网见习作者 魏诗盈 综合报道 鲍梦依/译)

来源: 中国网    | 作者:魏诗盈 鲍梦依    | 责编:张云松     电子信箱:184042016@qq.com    

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