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China's first territorial sea integrated marine observation platform under construction is completed in Zhejiang
     发布时间:2017-06-04 15:04:04    

  中国网浪潮资讯 近日,国家海洋局及其东海分局、海洋一所、上海海洋大学等数十家单位的专家与代表对位于浙江温州洞头岛东南方领海基线外侧约6公里海域的东瓯海洋综合观测平台工程正式通过验收。

CNCAO NEWS Recently, experts and representatives of the State Oceanic Administration, People's Republic of China, the East Sea Branch of the SOA, the First Institute of Oceanography,SOA, Shanghai Ocean University and other dozens of units officially passed the acceptance of Dong'ou marine integrated observation platform project in about 6 kilometers outside the baselines of the territorial sea southeast of Dongtou island, Wenzhou, Zhejiang.



It is reported that Dong'ou marine integrated observation platform is the first marine integrated observation facility built on the surface of territorial sea in China, also is an artificial fixed building in the depths of the sea currently. The observation content included 11 kinds of meteorological and oceanographic elements, such as the wind, flow, wave and tide. At the same time, it attached a number of scientific experimental equipment, for universities, research institutes and other units.



Experts believe that the reasonble site selection of project can observe the most typhoons passing through Zhejiang, also can earlier observe tsunami waves, provide valuable time of tsunami disaster warning to the coastal areas of southern Zhejiang. After the platform put into use, it will provide strong observation data and information support for the typhoon storm surge, tsunami and other disasters prevention in Zhejiang Province, and effectively improve the ability of marine disaster warning and reporting. At the same time, the platform which as the man-made resources at sea, has the function of ocean observation, scientific experiment, teaching and training etc., has great practical significance to the advance of the construction of "The Belt and Road" in Zhejiang Province.

  (中国网见习作者 张云松 综合报道 翻译 宓文文)

来源: 中国网    | 作者: 张云松 宓文文    | 责编:张云松     电子信箱:184042016@qq.com    

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