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Eight "Trillion-Industries" to Be New Engines for Zhejiang's Development
     发布时间:2017-06-14 14:50:17    

  中国网浪潮资讯 “八大万亿产业,是新的发展时期浙江经济腾飞的八大引擎。比如时尚产业,浙江有良好的产业发展基础和深厚的文化底蕴,这些都是发展时尚产业的最好条件。”浙江省党代会代表仇瑛说。

CNCAO NEWS According to Qiu Ying, representative of Zhejiang CPC ( the Communist Party of China ) Congress, "These eight industries with trillion capital are eight engines for the boost of economy in Zhejiang in this new period of development. Taking fashion industry as an example, Zhejiang has already equipped with excellent industrial development base as well as profound cultural background, which could be best conditions to get fashion industry improved.



When the report of the Congress of the CPC of Zhejiang mentions the issue of overall revitalization of the real economy, it has pointed that it will be required to enhance the eight trillion-industries including information, environmental protection, health, tourism, fashion, finance, high-end equipment manufacturing and culture industry as well as constructing a batch of large industrial bases, which has made present representatives be excited.


Qiu stated that recently, internet had brought profound reformation for the fashion industry and the fashion industry itself also required to use "internet plus" to reach the transformation of commercial mode along with the deep combination of industrialization and informatization. "We are looking forward to define Chinese-styled fashion industry in the whole globe and convey Chinese culture as well as aesthetic value to lead the new needs of social consumption via techniques of internet."


Zou Huijun, representative of CPC of Zhejiang, also reckoned that as long as traditional industries grabbed the opportunity of transformation and upgrading, they could also turn into one of the eight trillion-industries.


In this year's first quarter, the amount of GDP reached to 1.0552 trillion yuan, which was the first time it broke through the trillion mark. Among four provinces with "trillion capital", Zhejiang played the leading role, with amplification of 8% surpassing 1.1% compared to the nation level of the same period.


The analysis said that behind the achievement, it was the new rising force of the eight trillion-industries that displays the structural readjustment and new effects of kinetic energy conversion of Zhejiang.


On its way to lead the New Normal of economic development, Zhejiang has made the construction of characteristic towns as the new method to get structural reform of the supply front improved.


On June, 2015, Zhejiang published the list of the first batch of provincial created 37 characteristic towns. These characteristic towns with distinctive industrial characters, deep sense of humanistic flavor and graceful ecological environment are just like golden name-cards of Zhejiang and has expanded new developmental room for eight trillion-industries.

  (中国网见习作者 张云松  综合报道 翻译 孙吴琦)

来源: 中国网    | 作者:张云松 孙吴琦    | 责编:张云松     电子信箱:184042016@qq.com    

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