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Zhejiang party representative talks about how to make Chinese culture “go out”.
     发布时间:2017-06-14 17:27:18    

  中国网浪潮资讯 近日,浙江省党代表、浙江省作协主席麦家表示,只有有筋骨、有道德、有温度、经得住考验的好作品,才能讲好中国故事,让中国文化“走出去”。

CNCAO NEWS Recently, Mai Jia, who is the party representative in Zhejiang province and the chairman of Zhejiang Provincial Writers Association said, only the good work which has strength, morality and warmth, and can withstand all tests, can tell good Chinese stories and let Chinese culture “go out”.



“I remember someone once pointed to a best-selling book in our country and angrily said that it's too inferior to cut down so many forests! In fact, if there are too many works of this kind, the deforestation is not just about forests, but the future of a nation. As writers, we should often rethink whether our works are worthy of those forests, worthy of our times and nations, and how can we write a work worthy of a tree, a writer, an era and a nation?” Mai Jia believes, to write good works, you must withdraw from the hustle and bustle of life, personal desire for the money and peacockish pretension, fall back to the depths of individual soul.


Cai Zhefei, a first-grade actor of Zhejiang Xiaobaihua Yue Opera Troupe, believes that the creation of high-quality cultural works can derive nutrients from the extensive and profound Chinese traditional culture. Zhejiang not only has all kinds of troupes everywhere, but also has 24 drama projects which have been included in the national “Intangible Cultural Heritage”.


Lu Ruirong, who is the teacher in the International Cultural Communication College of Zhejiang University of Media and Communications said that as a teacher, you should based on your own duty, and assume the inheritance, dissemination and research job of Zhejiang outstanding cultural, to train high-quality international cultural communication talents, “let Chinese culture and Zhejiang culture have a greater world discourse right.”


In early 2017, the five session of the twelve session of the Zhejiang Provincial People's Congress formally proposed to build “eight trillion industry”, and the cultural industry ranks among them. In accordance with the target of Zhejiang culture industry development “13th Five-Year” plan, by2020, the province's cultural industry’s added value accounted for more than 8% of the total output value, the total output of the cultural industry reached 1 trillion and 600 billion yuan.

  (中国网见习作者 邱玉洁  综合报道 翻译 黄璐)

来源: 中国网    | 作者:邱玉洁 黄璐    | 责编:张云松     电子信箱:184042016@qq.com    

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