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An Wenzhou countrymen residing abroad has ever been Panama's Deputy Representative in China for ten years
     发布时间:2017-06-15 17:56:10    

  中国网浪潮资讯 曾任巴拿马驻中国副代表十年的中国温州籍侨胞冯雅迪在谈到日前中国与巴拿马建交一事时表示,两国交往频繁有利于华侨发展,带动两地经济往来。北京时间6月13日,巴拿马和中国正式建立外交关系。
  CNCAO NEWS An Wenzhou countrymen residing abroad Feng Yadi who has ever been Panama's Deputy Representative in China for ten years said that the frequent exchanges between the two countries are conducive to the development of countrymen residing abroad and promote economic relations between the two countries when talked about diplomatic relations establishment of China and Panama recently. On June 13 Beijing Time, Panama and China established diplomatic relations formally.


  “Panama has a good trade base with China and we hope to boost more domestic cities trade and cooperate with Panama.” Feng Yadi told journalist that Chinese enterprises always want to go out. Actually the enterprises want to develop overseas can make good use of the local ethnic Chinese and countrymen residing abroad. They are familiar with local policy environment, law, language and culture which can help enterprises walk less detours and pay less "tuition".
  The journalist knows that there are about 200,000 ethnic Chinese and countrymen residing abroad living in Panama at present. Trade and Cultural exchanges between China and Panama has a long history and there are many figures of Wenzhou people behind it.

来源: 中国网    | 作者:见习邱玉洁 陈萍萍译    | 责编:邱玉洁     电子信箱:184042016@qq.com    

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