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Seven Foreigners in Zhejiang are in first Batch Getting new "China's Green Card"
     发布时间:2017-06-17 15:35:07    

  中国网浪潮资讯  6月16日上午,居住在浙江的7名外籍人首批拿到了新版“中国绿卡”——永居证。自16日起,公安部对经批准取得在中国永久居留资格的外国人签发《中华人民共和国外国人永久居留身份证》(以下简称“永居证”),同时停止签发现行《外国人永久居留证》。

CNCAO NEWS On the morning of June 16, seven foreigners living in Zhejiang have been in the first batch getting the new "China's green card", the PR Card. Since that day, Ministry of Public Security of the People's Republic of China signed and issued People's Republic of China Foreign Permanent Resident ID Card ( "PR Card" for short ) for foreigners who were approved to get the permission for permanent residence in China, along with stopping signing and issuing the currently used Foreign Permanent Resident Card.



In recent years, along with the intensification of China's opening-up policy and stead progress in relevant cooperation of "the Belt and Road", there are more and more foreigners working, communicating, investing and doing business in Zhejiang, which contributed to the increasing demands for "PR Card".



Related leading official of Exit and Entry Administration of the Zhejiang Public Security Bureau, stated that this reform initially changed the name of the card, from the originally Foreign Permanent Resident Card  to Foreign Permanent Resident ID Card which showed the cognition of foreigners' "identity" along with its function completely connecting with "ID Card" in China as well. The function of "green card" is truly expanded in diverse fields in daily lives.

来源: 中国网    | 作者:见习邱玉洁 孙吴琦    | 责编:邱玉洁     电子信箱:184042016@qq.com    

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