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Zhejiang provincial party secretary Che Jun meets with German guests: Zhejiang is willing to strengthen cooperation and
     发布时间:2017-06-18 16:26:29    

   中国网浪潮资讯 日前,浙江省委书记车俊在杭州会见了德国前总统、全球中小企业联置全球主席克里斯蒂安·武尔夫一行。

  CNCAO NEWS The other day Che Jun,provincial party secretary of Zhejiang met with Christian Wulff,the former Germany president,president of Global Alliance of SMEs,and his party.


  Che Jun said,all the time Zhejiang and German contact closely and constantly deep bilateral cooperation in various fields.Zhejiang is a province of private economy attaching great importance to development of small and medium enterprises and giving great impetus to economic transition.Zhejiang is willing to strengthen cooperation and exchange with Germany,uses the experience of German“Industrie 4.0”for reference,and accelerates deep integration of informatization and industrialization.We appreciate that Global Alliance of SMEs pays attention to Zhejiang.We hope we can promote more Zhejiang small and medium enterprises to conduct international cooperation,go global,and welcome more foreign enterprises to come to Zhejiang to invest and develop.
  Christian Wulff said,Zhejiang has a good developing environment.More and more Germany enterprises come to Zhejiang to invest and develop.We hope both of us can strength cooperation in manufacturing industry,vocational education,culture and other fields to achieve win-win development.
  Song Jingwu,vice chairman of THE CHINESE PEOPLE’S ASSOCIATION FOR FRIENDSHIP WITH FOREIGN COUNTRIES,Chen Jinbiao,secretary-general of CPC Provincial Committee were present during the meeting.
(中国网作者 邓一鸣综合报道 余乐/译)

来源: 中国网综合    | 作者:邓一鸣 余乐/译    | 责编:邓一鸣     电子信箱:184042016@qq.com    

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