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美国底特律因阿里巴巴论坛“Sold Out”
Detroit, America Gets "Sold Out" for Alibaba Forum
     发布时间:2017-06-21 14:42:43    

  中国网浪潮资讯  美国城市底特律突然因为“Sold Out(售罄)”火了。由于 “美国中小企业论坛”,美国大批中小企业主、合作伙伴蜂拥而至,底特律当地酒店被订光、飞往底特律的航班全部满员,网友评价说:搭上阿里巴巴就会Sold Out! 

CNCAO NEWS Detroit, an American city, suddenly gets up because of "Sold Out". It is because the first Alibaba business forum in the US is being held in Detroit that a large batch of entrepreneurs of SMEs in America as well as their partners floods into here, which has caused the situation that all local hotels in Detroit got sold out and all flights to Detroit were filled with passengers. Netizens commented that once something accompanied with Alibaba, it would be Sold Out!  



This Alibaba business forum in the US has attracted over 3,000 American SMEs and their partners from 48 states. Besides, there are also merchant representatives from Mexico, Canada and other countries participating in. With flooding of these participants, the capacity of Detroit is faced with challenges.  

  新浪财经作者冯昊在美国当地时间19日下午抵达纽瓦克机场时,被告知所有飞往底特律的航班均已取消。临时买票飞往底特律的旅客,只能被航空公司告知“Sold Out”。

Feng Hao, financial reporter from Sina, arrived at Newark Airport on the afternoon of June 19 local time with being told that all the flights had been cancelled and tourists temporarily wanted to buy tickets to Detroit could do nothing but be informed by the airlines of "Sold Out".



  Photo/All Flights from New York to Detroit were "Sold Out" 


Feng wrote in the report: Except the Winter Davos Forum, it hardly happens that a meeting causes the situation of "Sold Out" of traffic in a city. And that could give a rough idea of the influence of Alibaba business forum in the US with Alibaba being the chief.  

  与此同时,底特律大小酒店都被挤爆,网站上酒店预订页面上,“Sold Out”字样比比皆是,会场周边10公里内一房难求。

Meanwhile, hotels in Detroit have all been "Sold Out", no matter big or small. On the online hotel-booking page, the word, "Sold Out" can be seen everywhere and seeking for a room around the meetingplace within ten kilometers has become solely difficult.  

   早在 6月16日,美国中小企业论坛官网就挂出了“Sold Out”字样,因为报名参会人数远超会场容纳规模,不得不提前数天停止售票。

As early as on June 16, the official website of Alibaba business forum in the US was hanging the word, "Sold Out" for the number of those enrolling to participate in had already surpassed the accommodation scale of the meetingplace that they had to stop selling tickets several days in advance.  

  各种“Sold Out”未能阻止美国的中小企业主排除万难前往底特律,他们对进入巨大的中国市场充满热情。对他们来说,阿里巴巴能够让他们的产品迅速“Sold Out”。  

Various "Sold Out" hasn't keep entrepreneurs of American SMEs from going to Detroit after conquering all kinds of difficulties because of their great passion on entering giant Chinese market.that their products would be "Sold Out" immediately via Alibaba.



  Photo/During the period of Alibaba business forum in the US, Tmall associated with Northwest Cherry Growers in America and other groups to launch special planes for carrying cherries going to China from America and back.  

  正是出于对Sold Out的期望,美国国家渔业协会、美国西北车厘子协会、美国阿拉斯加海产协会等十大农产品协会都已与天猫生鲜达成深度合作协议,共同推动协会旗下产品通过天猫直供中国消费者。  

It is the expectation of being Sold Out that ten agricultural products associations, including National Fisheries Institute, Northwest Cherry Growers and Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute, reached an agreement with profound cooperation with Tmall to jointly promote their products to be directly supplied to Chinese customers via Tmall.  

  此次中小企业论坛的主题为“连接世界”(Gateway 17),将为美国中小企业、农场主和企业家创造更多的发展机会、带动中美贸易并服务中国消费者。据透露,在此次论坛期间,一些品牌商将正式宣布和阿里巴巴达成更为紧密的战略合作, 实现更多的“Sold Out”。  

The theme of this Alibaba business forum in the US is "Gateway 17". This forum will create more developmental opportunities for SMEs, farmers and entrepreneurs as well as promoting Sino-US trades and offering services for Chinese customers. It is said that some brand owners will officially announce their strategic cooperation with Alibaba which is closer than before to achieve increasing "Sold Out".

来源: 中国网    | 作者:李斌 孙吴琦 译    | 责编:邱玉洁     电子信箱:184042016@qq.com    

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