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Jack Ma Called all American SMEs to "Rediscover China"
     发布时间:2017-06-22 16:36:26    

  中国网浪潮资讯  美国当地时间6月21日,阿里巴巴集团董事局主席马云在“美国中小企业论坛”上向超过3000名来自全美和加拿大的小企业主呼吁“重新发现中国”。马云表示,中国就是全球中小企业的机会。

CNCAO NEWS On June 21 local time in America, Jack Ma, chairman of the board of Alibaba Group, called to over 3,000 entrepreneurs from the whole America and Canada on "the first Alibaba business forum in the US" to "rediscover China". Jack Ma stated that China would be the opportunity for small-and-medium-sized entreprises ( SMEs ) all over the world.



"13 years ago, I once asked dozens of Americans what impression they had about China and the answers included panda, bicycles, the Great Wall, Taichi and so on. While China has changed greatly with merely 13 years constructing dozens of cities like Shanghai. It has improved so quickly that it has already been the second largest economy from nobody." Jack Ma also held the view that in the past three decades, the population in America and its middle class changed the world while in 30 years in the future, it would be China to be the biggest consumer market, which would mean the great opportunity for SMEs all in the globe.


Jack Ma reckoned that nowadays, China is a country on the basis of the internet along with the mobile terminal and it was the internet to be the chance for SMEs to participate in the global trading and he stated that would happen in 10 years.



It is evident to see the influence of Jack Ma and Alibaba in America. In the period of "the first Alibaba business forum in the US", the whole urban communication in Detroit gets into paralysis and all local hotels has been sold out. Even a great number of Americans mistakes the sentence which is often heard from Chinese, "Is AliPay available?" for a greeting between strangers.

来源: 中国网    | 作者:见习邱玉洁 实习生陈丹娜 孙吴琦译    | 责编:陈丹娜     电子信箱:184042016@qq.com    

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