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浙江GDP比肩土耳其 推动县域经济向都市经济转型
Zhejiang's GDP is in same league with Turkey, Promote County-Economy transforming into Metropolis Economy
     发布时间:2017-06-25 20:26:13    

  中国网浪潮资讯 日前通过的中共浙江省第十三届委员会报告显示,2016年浙江生产总值占全国的6.2%,连续20年居中国第4位,经济总量与居全球第18位的土耳其相当;人均生产总值达12577美元,按照世界银行确定的收入分组标准,基本达到高收入经济体水平。

CNCAO NEWS According to the report of the thirteenth Committee of the CPC Zhejiang Province passed recently, the total output value of Zhejiang in 2016 accounts for 6.2% of the whole country, which has been the forth in China for two decades in succession, whose economic gross is at nearly the same time with Turkey, which is the global eighteenth, with GDP capita reaching 12,577 dollars meaning it basically achieved the level of high-income economy based on the standards of income grouping made by World Bank.



In recent five years, urban and rural regional development in Zhejiang has been more coordinating with the income gap between urban and rural residents from 2.37 times to 2.07 times. The statistics shows that Zhejiang is the province with the least urban-rural gap except the municipal cities, whose per capita disposable income of all residents has surpassed Tianjin, one of the municipal cities, and been the third after Shanghai and Beijing in China.


In the next five years, Zhejiang will promote county-economy transforming into metropolis economy.

  (中国网作者 张云松 综合报道 翻译 孙吴琦)

来源: 中国网    | 作者:张云松 孙吴琦    | 责编:张云松     电子信箱:184042016@qq.com    

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