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African artist sent a hand-writing letter to his Chinese teacher
     发布时间:2017-06-28 17:04:10    

  中国网浪潮资讯  近日,中国美院教授龙翔收到一份来自刚果(金)木雕艺术家斯科达的一封亲笔信。据介绍,斯科达在20年前曾是龙翔的学生。

CNCAO NEWS Recently, China Academy of Art’s professor Long Xiang received a hand-writing letter from the woodcarving artist Skoda in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. It is said that Skoda was a student of Long Xiang 20 years ago.



According to Long Xiang’s memories, Skoda came to China Academy of Art in 1997. In the last 20 years, the sculpture has become a line of friendship between China and Africa, never stopped.


Now Skoda is the assistant dean of the National Academy of Arts in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and also the director of the sculpture department. His colleagues and eight other African woodcarving artists came to China to participate in the communication activities, so he entrusted his colleague to transfer the letter.


Skoda has been in contact with professor Long Xiang since his return. Long Xiang said that writing with hand is because of the traditional Chinese culture's influence on Skoda.

来源: 中国网    | 作者:实习生陈丹娜 杨云寒 耿凯宁译    | 责编:陈丹娜     电子信箱:184042016@qq.com    

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