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When will "Zhejiang made" have the intelligent factory of the future ?
     发布时间:2017-06-30 15:48:40    

  中国网浪潮资讯  “下达生产指令,工厂会迅速组织好生产巧克力所需的备料,包括生产过程中所需的稳定的电力供应,然后自行生产、分拣、运输……”在ABB(中国)有限公司董事长兼总裁顾纯元博士看来,如此聪明的“未来工厂”其实并不遥远。北京时间6月28日,顾纯元来到杭州,向中国市场介绍数字化转型的方案。

CNCAO NEWS "Once production orders are issued, the factory will quickly get the materials ready for the production of chocolate and provide the steady power supply that are needed. Then the factory will product, sort, transport through automation."Such a clever factory of the future is not far away seems to Dr. Gu Chunyuan, the chairman and chief executive of ABB (China) Co, Ltd.On June 28th,Beijing time,Dr. Gu came to Hangzhou to introduce the digital transition program to the Chinese market.



As a big province booming with  manufacturing industry, Zhejiang is eager to promote industrial upgrading with intelligent manufacturing. In 2012, Zhejiang put forward to promoting the decision comprehensively:replace physical labor with machines.


By the end of 2016, the total number of industrial robots in the works in Zhejiang was about 43 thousand units, the largest number in China.


Although Zhejiang has the confidence to move towards intelligent manufacturing, it's still in the exploration stage in some areas.We hope more world's leading businesses like ABB Co, Ltd. to start business in Zhejiang and jointly promote the Zhejiang's economic transformation .The Member of the Standing Committee of CPC Zhejiang Provincial Committee and Executive Vice Governor of Zhejiang Province,Feng Fei thought.


Dr. Gu said that the digital transition is a global problem,and ABB see Chinese market in a positive light is mainly because China's developed regions took the lead in action.

来源: 中国网    | 作者:实习生陈丹娜 杨云寒 张雨译    | 责编:陈丹娜     电子信箱:184042016@qq.com    

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