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Chinese and foreign experts say the Qiantang River water quality protection can be used for reference
     发布时间:2017-06-30 16:43:58    

  中国网浪潮资讯   日前在杭州举行的可持续发展国际文化论坛上,不少国内外的专家学者也都提到,浙江的钱塘江水质保护走在中国前列,具有借鉴意义。

CNCAO NEWS  Recently, at the Sustainable Development International Culture Forum, which is held in Hangzhou, many domestic and foreign experts and scholars said that the Qiantang River water quality protection in Zhejiang province walks in the forefront of China and is of great significance.



It is said that the water quality protection in Qiantang River basin through these years’ development, the laws, regulations and governance standards are more standardized. The content of governance also extended from the basic flood control to the reservoir, water quality, cultural landscape and other goals comprehensively considerate at the same time.


Since 2013, Zhejiang has first proposed “A total of five water treatment” and as the key strategy for the new round of reform and development. The efforts and results of controlling water with all parts of Zhejiang have been recognized globally.


Hu Jian, the deputy director of the Education, Science, Culture and Public Health Committee in the Standing Committee of Zhejiang Provincial People's Congress and the director of Center for Ecological Civilization, Zhejiang Province, said that human civilization and river are closely linked, protecting rivers is also protecting ourselves.

  亚马逊河生态文化专家迭戈•泽维尔(Diego Xavier)表示,自然界的河流不分国界、不分民族,常常需要各国通力合作、共同维护。

Diego Xavier, the ecological culture expert of the Amazon River, said that natural rivers don't divide borders and nations and it is often necessary for countries to cooperate and maintain together.




Michael Spencer, the president of the international sustainable Alliance for Water Stewardship (AWS) from Australia, pointed out that in today's world, Asian countries are particularly needed to lead and promote the implementation of the UN sustainable development goals in environmental and ecological protection, sustainable development and other aspects.


On that day, the  representatives of the participating countries read the Common Declaration Of The River And Mankind and called on all mankind to protect the earth.

来源: 中国网    | 作者:实习生陈丹娜 杨云寒 耿凯宁译    | 责编:陈丹娜     电子信箱:184042016@qq.com    

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