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Why does the "Web Celebrity" public restroom in Hangzhou West Lake receive dozens of delegations every year?
     发布时间:2017-07-09 15:22:04    

  中国网浪潮资讯 西湖景区的一处公厕,因接待人次“日活5万”(几乎每秒都会有一位游客进门)但基本干净清洁无味而成为西湖景区的“网红”厕所。每年都会吸引几十个业内景区管理工作考察团到此交流公厕管理经验。

CNCAO NEWS A public restroom in the West Lake Scenic Spot becomes a "Web Celebrity" public restroom because it still keeps basically clean and tasteless althogh recepting “50,000 people daily" (almost a visitor enters in every second). Dozens of Scenic Spot Management Delegations in the filed are attracted to come here to exchange public restroom management experience every year.



According to introduction, the main reason why the pubilc restroom attract delegations is that it not only uses the mechanical washing equipment which is most difficult to break, saves spare parts and repair time, but also includes the grid management of the cleaners, localization administration of the security guards, the installation of elongated stainless steel embedded ground type drainage channel below the urinal, the placement of sandalwood and plant liquid extract air purification equipment on the upper position of every sanitary ware and so on.



The "Web Celebrity" public restroom is only a “small window” of West Lake. In fact,West Lake recepts tens of millions of visitors every year, including management of public restrooms,there are also many social management innovations worth recording.  

  (中国网作者 安静 杨云寒 综合 翻译 陈萍萍)

来源: 中国网    | 作者:安静 杨云寒 综合 翻译 陈萍萍    | 责编:安静     电子信箱:184042016@qq.com    

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