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Elite Students from 21 countries make "universal cuisine" for the elderly in Jinhua, Zhejiang province
     发布时间:2017-07-14 18:04:46    

  中国网浪潮资讯    日前,在浙江省金华市金东区澧浦镇琐园村,来自21个国家的40名名校学子亲手为琐园村养老中心的老人们制作了一道道异国美食,老人们足不出户享用了一顿地道国际大餐。

CNCAO NEWS   Recently, In Suoyuan village, Lipu town, Jindong district, Jinhua city of Zhejiang province, 40 elite students from 21 countries have made exotic foods for the old people in retirement center of Suoyuan village.The old people in Suoyuan village have enjoyed a genuine international meal without leaving their home.


  来自巴基斯坦的sughra bibi在琐园村的住家,制作了一款名叫pastta 的美食(类似于意大利面的外形和口感的一种食物),送到了琐园村养老中心。bibi说,这是她从超市里买来的食材,放了辣椒等调料,基本还原了巴基斯坦的口味,在老人们品尝之前,她很担心自己的“菜”是否会被接受。

Sughra bibi from Pakistan made a delicious meal called pastta(the food is similar to the shape and taste of the Italy surface) in his home of Suoyuan village, and sent it to retirement center of Suoyuan village.This is what she bought from the supermarket, introduced by Bibi , that put pepper and other spices, basically restore the flavor of Pakistan.", she was worried that her food would be accepted, before the old people tasted it.



Bibi and her friend invited the old people to have a taste. The old people didn't move the chopsticks.Bibi helped the elderly to food, and filled a bowl with rice for the elderly.


An old grandmother, after tasting, probably because of language barrier,kept smile and thumbs up to show approval and thanks.



"The family I live in is very friendly and the Suoyuan village is very, very attractive." Bibi came to Hangzhou last year and majored in law at Zhejiang university.Currently, she has lived in Suoyuan village for 10 days.


It is understood that this is one of the contents of the fifth season "overseas students entering Jinhua ancient village", students from the United States, Britain, France, Australia, Russia, India, Pakistan, etc, learned traditional Chinese Wushu, paper cutting, tea ceremony, flower arrangement, embroidery, and experienced series activities such as weaving straw sandals, making rice cake, drawing wood pictures and visiting ancient Wu kiln in the Suoyuan village, and fully appreciate the charm of Jindong District, Jinhua.



On July 13th evening, the fifth season "overseas students entering Jinhua ancient village" activities came to the end at Yan’s hall of Suoyuan village, Lipu town , Jindong district, Jinhua city of Zhejiang province.(中国网作者丁萨综合报道  翻译鲍梦依)

来源: 中国网    | 作者:丁萨 翻译鲍梦依    | 责编:陈丹娜     电子信箱:184042016@qq.com    

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