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Why is the conference in Zhejiang so valued by the Consulate General of the 14 countries?
     发布时间:2017-07-15 16:16:52    

        中国网浪潮资讯 北京时间7月14日,浙江省工商联第十一次代表大会召开。来自全国各地的500多名会员代表齐聚杭州,各省(市、自治区)、新疆生产建设兵团工商联,21个港澳台地区经贸机构及工商团体,英国、加拿大、俄罗斯等14个外国驻上海总领事馆,53个国外经贸机构及工商团体也发来了贺电贺信。

CNCAO NEWS On July 14th Beijing time, the 11th Congress of Zhejiang Federation of Industry and Commerce held.More than 500 delegates from all over the country gathered in Hangzhou, Federation of Industry and Commerce of various provinces (cities, autonomous regions) and Xinjiang Production and Cnstruction Corps, 21 economic and trade institutions and industry and commerce groups from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan regions, 14  Consulate General in Shanghai, including Britain, Canada and Russia, 53 foreign economic and trade institutions and industry and commerce groups also sent a congratulatory message.



The leaders of Zhejiang province stressed that the 14th Party Congress of the CPC of Zhejiang has fully described the development blueprint of Zhejiang province in the next five years, the new advantages of the private economy have been sounded. We hope the Zhejiang Association of industry and Commerce will always put the guidance of ideological and political in the first place, and lead the majority of non-public ownership economic personage to accept the leadership of the Party, and unswervingly follow the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics.They should take the initiative to focus on the central and overall situation, and should give full play to their functional roles. They should earnestly strengthen their own construction, consolidate the working foundation, and comprehensively enhance their capacity of carry out the functions, and should unite and lead the vast majority of non-public enterprises and non-public ownership economic personage to follow the path of the "eight - eight strategy" unswervingly, and make new contributions, so that to achieve the goal of "two high level" of Zhejiang Province and meet the 19th  National Congress of the Communist Party of China with excellent results.

        (中国网见习作者 金灿灿 作者 杨云寒 综合报道 翻译 鲍梦依)

来源: 中国网    | 作者: 金灿灿 杨云寒 鲍梦依    | 责编:杨云寒     电子信箱:184042016@qq.com    

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