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保护非物质文化 义乌启动第六批非遗项目
Yiwu Launched the Declaration of the Sixth Batch of Intangible Cultural Heritage Items to protect intangible cultural
     发布时间:2017-07-16 11:10:37    

  中国网浪潮资讯  为更好地挖掘和保护非物质文化遗产项目,进一步推动义乌的非遗保护工作,日前义乌市第六批非物质文化遗产代表性项目申报工作正式启动。

CNCAO NEWS To better excavate and protect intangible cultural heritages and further advance the intangible cultural heritage protection of the city, Yiwu formally launched the declaration of the sixth batch of representative intangible cultural heritage items a few days ago.



Intangible cultural heritages refer to cultural heritages that do not rely on material carriers or cannot be covered by material carriers, such as orally-spread legend, traditional performance art, folk activity, etiquette, festival, traditional handicraft skill, etc. According to introduction, the number of items of Yiwu in the intangible cultural heritage lists has so far reached 80, including 2 national ones, 14 provincial ones, and 38 Jinhua municipal ones.



It is learned that from now on, as long as an item complies with the definition of intangible cultural heritage and its traditional cultural representation form or cultural space has important value, any typical feature among intangible cultural heritages, or unique significance in terms of history, art, ethnology, folklore, sociology, anthropology, or literature, relevant sub-district, town, administrative unit, enterprise, or public institution may declare it to the Intangible Cultural Heritage Protection Center of Yiwu, and individual may submit declaration to relevant sub-district, town, or unit. The Intangible Cultural Heritage Protection Center will submit the materials of items declared to the Bureau of Culture, Radio, TV, Press and Publication of Yiwu, which will then organize experts to screen, evaluate, verify, and review all the items.


来源: 中国网综合    | 作者:中国网综合    | 责编:陈丹娜     电子信箱:184042016@qq.com    

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