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亚马逊中国首届Prime Day 超越去年“黑五”
The first Amazon China Prime Day surpassed last year's "Black Friday"
     发布时间:2017-07-16 14:06:12    

  中国网浪潮资讯    7月14日,亚马逊中国发布首届Prime会员日战报。数据显示,7月11日当天,亚马逊中国和亚马逊海外购销售额较去年同期均实现近300%的增长。同时,Prime会员的新增注册用户量较去年“黑五”增长60%,订单总量也全面超越去年“黑五”。

CNCAO NEWS  On July 14th , Amazon China released first Prime membership day results. Data showed that on July 11th the same day, the sales of Amazon China and Amazon sea outsourcing achieved nearly 300% growth over the same period last year.At the same time, new registered users of Prime members increased by 60% compared with last year's "Black Friday", and the total number of orders has also gone beyond the "Black Friday" last year.



This year, Amazon took its Prime membership to China for the first time, and customized benefits for Chinese prime members.This time, China's Prime members have been partying for 46 hours longer than any other city.

  (中国网见习作者 丁萨 综合报道  翻译 鲍梦依)

来源: 中国网    | 作者:见习丁萨 鲍梦依译    | 责编:陈丹娜     电子信箱:184042016@qq.com    

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