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义乌发现桃花水母 比恐龙还古老
Craspedacusta is found in Yiwu which is older than dinosaurs
     发布时间:2017-07-22 14:11:30    

  中国网浪潮资讯  北京时间7月18日,浙江义乌市苏溪镇村民在村子的池塘游泳时,意外发现了有着“水中大熊猫”之称的桃花水母。据了解,桃花水母在地球上已存在几亿年甚至几十亿年,是最原始、最低等的无脊椎腔肠动物,比恐龙还古老,是名副其实的“活化石”。

CNCAO NEWS On July 18 Beijing time, villagers in the Suxi Town, Yiwu, Zhejiang, found craspedacusta by accident which was known as “pandas in water” when they swam in the pond of the village. It is known that craspedacusta already exists for hundreds of millions of years even billions of years on the earth. Craspedacusta,the most primitive and the lowest invertebrate coelenterate which is older than dinosaurs, is worthy of the name, “living fossil”.


Craspedacusta has great study value and ornamental value. It requires high for water quality and generally lives in the clean water. The water areas they live must be poisonless and harmless, clean and mostly with acidity. In recent years, craspedacusta appeared with the improval of water quality of Yiwu,

  (中国网见习作者 胡金 翻译:余乐 尤迎宁)

来源: 中国网综合    | 作者:    | 责编:胡金     电子信箱:184042016@qq.com    

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