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     发布时间:2017-07-26 10:59:12    


CNCAO NEWS On July 20th Us time, in the third Global Grand Challenges Summit, which held by United States, the student team of Zhejiang University won the first prize in the Student Day Competition Unit for technology wall newspaper competition, with the ultrasonic washing machine with good washing effect and high water saving rate as high as 99%.


  这款名为“Ultra Clean环保型真空超声无损洗衣机”利用超声空化剥离污渍和真空脱气加强空化等原理实现了定点强效去污,即针对顽固污渍,能将单次耗水量减少至0.4升,取得了99%的极高节水率。团队成员来自浙江大学能源、电气、广告学等多个专业,经过一年的潜心研究,发挥各自特长,最终从全球80多个参赛项目中脱颖而出。

This "Ultra Clean environmental protection vacuum ultrasonic washing machine", have achieved a more effective decontamination in fixed point, using the principle of ultrasonic cavitation to strip the stain and vacuum degassing to strengthen the cavitation. That is, for stubborn stains,it can reduce the water consumption to 0.4 liters a single time, achieved a high water saving rate of 99%. Team members from the Zhejiang University of energy, electrical, advertising and other specialties, after a year of painstaking research, they have developed their special talents and finally stood out from over 80 participating projects around the world.



The Global Grand Challenges Summit was based on the “Twenty-first Century Grand Engineering Technical Challenges” posed by the National Academy of Engineering, it is jointly sponsored by the Chinese Academy of Engineering, the National Academy of Engineering and the Royal Academy of Engineering. The Student Day Competition Unit is an important part of the summit, which aims to encourage young students to become the next generation of engineering leaders to tackle major global challenges. 

      (中国网 袁露玲 作者 杨云寒 综合报道 翻译 鲍梦依)

来源: 中国网    | 作者:袁露玲 杨云寒 综合报道 翻译 鲍梦依    | 责编:袁露玲     电子信箱:184042016@qq.com    

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