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登上世界合唱舞台 浙音合唱团获殊荣
Appearing on the world stage of chorus, the choir of Zhejiang Consevatory of Music was awarded
     发布时间:2017-08-01 15:59:42    

  中国网浪潮资讯 7月22日至29日,第十一届世界合唱研讨会在西班牙巴塞罗那举行,浙江音乐学院“八秒”合唱团受国际合唱联盟邀请参会,举办的两场合唱音乐会获得巨大成功。国际合唱联盟为“八秒”合唱团颁发研讨会参演最高荣誉——“杰出贡献”证书。

CNCAO NEWS From July 22nd to July 29th, the 11th IFCM(the International Federation for Choral Music) World Symposium on Choral Music was held in Baecelona, Spain. “The eight second ” choir from Zhejiang Conservatory of Music was invited to the symposium by IFCM and the two chorus concerts they held achieved great success. IFCM issued “the eight second” choir the highest participating honor of symposium——“the outstanding contribution” certificate.



IFCM, found in 1982, is an official professional chorus organization belonging to International Music Council which is subordinate to United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. It holds an annual meeting in 3 years and organizes IFCM World Symposium on Choral Music. This time, the theme of the symposium is “the color of peace”, “the eight second” choir is the only youth choir which represented China. During the perfomance, “the eight second” choir narrated beautiful Chinese stories to the wolrd by abundant themes and changeable act which showed the specialties of “the eight second”, “the variety of chorus, the multi dimension of style, the diversity of performance culture and the leadership of China”.



On the evening of July 25th at local time, “the eight second” choir perform 17 Chinese choral works by different singing style, such as bel canto, folk style, popular singing, traditional Chinese opera and natural style in its first concert. On the evening of July 26th at local time, “the eight second” choir showed the world magnificent Chinese civilization by the songs, “River Snow”, “Travelers’ Song”, “Asai Dancing under the Moon” and “the Mountain is Beautiful”.


(中国网实习生 尤迎宁 作者 杨云寒 综合报道 翻译 尤迎宁)


来源: 中国网    | 作者:实习生 尤迎宁 杨云寒 综合报道 翻译 尤迎宁    | 责编:尤迎宁     电子信箱:184042016@qq.com    

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