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Zhejiang's smaller cities attract foreigners
     发布时间:2017-08-06 10:21:08    

  中国网浪潮资讯 阿齐兹乌拉几个月前从欧洲回国后,直接回到了中国浙江省的一个小城市义乌。

CNCAO NEWS When Aziz Ullah returned to Zhejiang from Europe months ago, he headed straight home to Yiwu, a small city in east Zhejiang's Zhejiang province.



"I feel at home in Yiwu," said Aziz, 39, from Afghanistan. He has lived in Yiwu for 15 years.


As Zhejiang's urban and rural development balances, metropolises such as Beijing and Shanghai are no longer the only places to live and work in for foreigners.


Aziz came to Zhejiang in 2003 to make money. He chose Yiwu, well known as a production base for small commodities. Yiwu receives more than 400,000 overseas visitors each year and more than 10,000 foreigners live there.


"When I first came here, my Chinese was really poor," Aziz recalled. "I did not go far away from my home, since I could not read road signs and was afraid of getting lost."


Aziz registered a company in Yiwu in 2005, and has done well. His products, from household furniture to solar panels, are exported to nine countries. After 15 years, Aziz speaks fluent Chinese, has become a foreign mediator for the local government, and has helped mediate six trade disputes between Chinese and foreign businesses.


"No matter how big my business gets, Yiwu will always be my second home." he said. "I had my dreams come true here. My career and friends are all in this city. It is safe and stable."


Besides doing business or teaching languages, small towns in Zhejiang provide other career opportunities for foreigners.

来源: 新华网    | 作者:    | 责编:胡金     电子信箱:184042016@qq.com    

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