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Zhejiang at the Forefront of Double Support Work
     发布时间:2017-08-08 10:26:27    


  Zhejiang at the Forefront of Double Support Work

  中国网浪潮资讯 军政军民坚强团结、亲如一家,是浙江省双拥工作的优良传统。“八一”前夕,金华市民政局、教育局等19个部门来到东部战区陆军某旅进行现场办公,针对家属就业、子女就学、随军随迁等数十个问题给出解决方案。

CNCAO NEWS The strong solidarity between the army and the government, between the army and the people, and as dear to each other as members of one family are the fine traditions of the provincial double support work. On the eve of August 1, 19 Departments in Jinhua including the Department of Civil Affairs, the Department of Education carried out on-site office to the army brigade, giving solutions to dozens of problems, such as the family members’ employment, children’s education etc.



In recent years Zhejiang has focused on the national defense and military reform, the integrated development of the military and the civilian to promote the creation of double support work, to further explore new methods, blaze new trails, promote new development, and continually transfer “the military and the civilian love each other while the military and the civilian are in one family” positive energy into the double support work. Through the strong support of the establishment of combat readiness training facilities, significant troop exercises and construction of national defense mobilization, the province has tried to constantly increase the preparedness efforts of military security, to provide a solid backing for the troops to accomplish diversified military tasks. In the 2016 national double support model city (county) commendation conference, 16 cities (counties) in the province won the national double support model city (county) title, and 11 districts once again achieved an all-round victory .


Today, the province has formed a network covering all sectors of the society. Up to now, more than 100 army-supporting associations are established, carrying out more than 5000 double support activities.


来源: 中国网综合    | 作者:    | 责编:胡金     电子信箱:184042016@qq.com    

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