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"The world's largest ship" fully loaded with "the world's largest port"
     发布时间:2017-08-09 14:15:22    

  中国网浪潮资讯  近日,全球最大在航货船“泰欧”将近满载的37.6万吨原油全部成功接卸在宁波舟山港。本次实际吃水22米、单艘次接卸37.6万吨的靠泊装卸作业,同时创下了单艘挂靠油轮最大实载量和接卸量两项中国纪录。

CNCAO NEWAS Recently, the world's largest underway cargo ship "TI Europe" put the nearly full loaded 376,000 tons of crude oil in Ningbo -Zhoushan port successfully. This time, the actual draught of 22 meters, single vessel discharging 376,000 tons of berthing and unloading operations, at the same time, there are two Chinese records for the maximum actual loading and unloading of single vessel.



As the world's largest ship, the "TI Europe" has a maximum load of 420,000 tons, there are only a handful of affiliated ports around the world. However, as the largest port in the world, Ningbo -Zhoushan is a port, where is most super-large ships shipped in and out in China. More than 40,000 vessels above 10,000 tons are shipped in and out each year, and built up the world's only annual cargo throughput of over 9 tons of large volume.


  (中国网作者 胡金 翻译:鲍梦依)

来源: 中国网综合    | 作者:胡金 翻译:鲍梦依    | 责编:胡金     电子信箱:184042016@qq.com    

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