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The 19-year-old beauty originally from Wenzhou, will be on the Victoria's secret show
     发布时间:2017-08-28 14:34:09    

  中国网浪潮资讯  日前,中国温州籍美女ChenEstelle陈瑜入选今年维密上海大秀模特名单。

The day before, Chen Yu (ChenEstelle), a beauty originally from Wenzhou, China, selected this year's ChenEstelle Shanghai show model list.


  陈瑜(新浪微博@ChenEstelle陈瑜),今年19岁,身高178公分,祖籍温州鹿城。2013年代表法国区参加Elite世界模特精英大赛(Elite Model Look)的决赛,顺利进入前15强,与师姐奚梦瑶一样步进全球最大的模特儿经纪公司Elite Paris。

Chen yu (Sina Weibo@Chenestelle Chen yu), is 19 years old, and 178 cm tall originally from Lucheng, Wenzhou. In 2013, she represented the French to participate in the final of the Elite world model Look Model, entered the top 15, and singed the world's largest modeling agency, Elite Paris, the same as her senior sister apprentice Xi Mengyao .


  参与今年维密上海大秀的中国模特已确定7位,她们分别是:刘雯 (最早登上维密T台的中国模特)、何穗 (登上维密次数最多的中国模特)、Ming奚梦瑶 (将第五次上秀)、雎晓雯 (将第二次上秀)、谢欣XINXIE (首次上秀)、秦舒培(首次上秀)以及ChenEstelle陈瑜。

The Chinese models who participated in this year's Victoria's secret Shanghai show have identified seven. They are: Liu Wen (first Chinese model in Victoria's secret runway), He Sui (the most frequent Chinese model in Victoria's secret), Xi Mengyao ( for the fifth time), Ju xiawen (second show), Xie Xin (first show), Qin Shupei (first show) and ChenEstelle Chen Yu.

  (中国网作者  胡金  综合报道  翻译:鲍梦依)

来源: 中国网综合    | 作者:胡金 翻译:鲍梦依    | 责编:胡金     电子信箱:184042016@qq.com    

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