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加冕全运会短跑双冠王 绍兴小将谢震业再破纪录
Shaoxing Youth, Xie Zhenye, Breaks Record again with Getting Two Golds in National Games' Sprint
     发布时间:2017-09-06 14:37:28    

  中国网浪潮资讯  北京时间9月5日19时55分,当全运会的新科百米飞人,浙江绍兴小伙谢震业跑完200米后,整个天津奥林匹克中心水滴体育场都欢呼起来“中国田径的谢震业时代要来了”。

At 19: 55 on Sept. 5, Beijing Time, when the new trapeze of the National Games, Xie Zhenye, a youth from Shaoxing, Zhejiang, finished his running of 200 meters, the whole Water-Drop Stadium of Tianjin Olympic Center were filled with the cheers of "The era for Xie Zhenye in China's track and field is coming!"


With the result of 20"20, not only did Xie get the championship, but he also shortened the national record which had been kept by himself of 0.2 second. Such achievement can be quasi first class even in the scope of the world.


Xie stated:"Excellent sprinters like Bolt and Gatlin are good at 100 meters and 200 meters in which shared parts lie and that's why I have been keeping running on the projects of 100 meters and 4*100 meters for these years without declining in performance or grades of 200 meters."

  (中国网作者  胡金  综合报道  翻译:孙吴琦)

来源:     | 作者:胡金 综合报道 翻译:孙吴琦    | 责编:胡金     电子信箱:184042016@qq.com    

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