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全运会落幕 浙江收获53金34银38铜
National Games ended, Zhejiang harvested 53 gold medals, 34 silver medals, 38 bronze medals
     发布时间:2017-09-09 14:18:17    

  中国网浪潮新闻 9月8日晚,第十三届全国体育运动会在天津奥林匹克中心落下帷幕。浙江体育代表团以53金34银38铜的成绩,在天津全运会上大放异彩。
  On the evening of September 8th, the 13th National Games came to an end at the Tianjin Olympic center. With 53 gold medals, 34 silver medals, 38 bronze medals Zhejiang sports delegation shined brilliantly at the National Games in Tianjin.


  There are 8 play days in Tianjin the national swimming competition, 35 gold medals being decided, and Zhejiang won 19 medals in swimming. Sun Yang, the captain of the national swimming team and the Zhejiang swimming team, with 6 gold medals and 1 silver medal, became the first athlete who won the most gold medals at single National Games in history. “It’s reasonable that the best Chinese swimming is in Zhejiang. Good coach, and good young plants create Zhejiang swimming today." Sun Yang said. He also believes that having today's achievements, Zhejiang swimming should thanks those who send their children to the swimming pool selflessly, and provide a wide range of options for Zhejiang swimming, at same time with the training of coach, so Zhejiang swimming, the pyramid can develop steadily.
  In addition, Xie Zhenye won the 200 meters champion, who broke the national record in the National Games, and won 4*100 relay champion. He suddenly became the fastest man in the country.
  Relevant personnel of Zhejiang Province Sports Bureau told reporters, “These outstanding young athletes are the future of Zhejiang sports, and are also the optional talents of Chinese delegation in 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games. Through the future training, they will be better than now, and we have reason to look forward to seeing them at the Tokyo Olympics.”

来源: 中国网    | 作者:邱玉洁 杜依依译    | 责编:邱玉洁     电子信箱:184042016@qq.com    

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