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Zhejiang Scenery:Taohua Island
     发布时间:2017-09-10 16:34:18    


Taohua Island, Zhejiang provincial level scenic area, with the beautiful scenery of Ridge Tu’erling and Mount Huaguoshan Peach Orchard, has the title—“Wonderland outside the World”. It is located at 122°13′~122°19′east longitude, 29°46′~29°52′ north latitude, , in southeastern Zhejiang province of Zhoushan. The North is Qiandao Lake scenic spots, and the South is Tu’erling scenic area, forming a tourist line. It is the seventh largest island in Zhoushan. Taohua Island is 7.8 miles North to Shenjiamen, where the government of Putuo District, Zhoushan and across the harbor there are Putuo Mountain, the “Buddhist Kingdom on the Sea” and Zhujiajian. It is 12 kilometers West to Ningbo,and faces International Deepwater Channel of Taohua Harbor to the South, and fishing ground in East China Sea to the East. The island covers an area of 41.7 square kilometers, with a total population of 11,500. “Dongxie”-- Pharmacist Hwang lives in this island in Mr. Jin Yong's masterpiece "Legend of the Condor Heroes" and " The Return of Condor Heroes”.



Taohua Island was called "Baiyun Mountain" in ancient time. An Qisheng in Qin Dynasty, against the emperor's will and fled south to Taohua Island to live in seclusion, ordering and practicing alchemy. One day, after he was drunk, the ink sprinkled on the stones in the mountains, forming a peach blossom pattern, which was spotted, so the stone called "Taohua Stone", the mountain called "Taohua Mountain", and the island called "Taohua Island." From Song Dynasty to Hongwu 19th years of the Ming Dynasty, Taohua Island belonged to Anqi Township, Changguo County. In the first year of Kangxi, Qing Dynasty, the Anqi Taohua village was established. In Guangxu years, it called Dinghai Anqi Township. In the Republic of China renamed Taohua Township. After several constructions of zone and combine of township, withdrawal of zone and combine of township, today's Taohua Town was established.


(中国网实习生 尤迎宁 作者 杨云寒 综合报道 翻译 杜依依)

来源: 中国网    | 作者:实习生 尤迎宁 杨云寒 综合报道 翻译 杜依依    | 责编:尤迎宁     电子信箱:184042016@qq.com    

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