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Imported meat can be served directly to Zhoushan! Zhoushan imported meat designated port runs formally
     发布时间:2017-09-13 14:40:01    

  中国网浪潮资讯 近日,舟山进口肉类指定口岸正式运行,经检验检疫合格的进口畜、禽肉今后可通过舟山直接进口。根据计划,力争前三年到港肉类年均10万吨,后三年年均达到20万吨。

Recently, Zhoushan imported meat designated port runs formally, imported livestock meat and poultry meat through inspection and quarantine can be directly imported to Zhoushan in the future. According to the plan, we strive to transport 100 thousand tons of meat to port in the first three years, reaching an average annual output of 200 thousand tons in the next three years.



At present, Zhoushan imported meat designated port has sound facilities. The total area of the cold storage is about 50,600 square meters, and the total storage capacity is 134,000 cubic meters in first phase of a project. Imported meat dedicated cold chain "inspection, storage, stacking" integrated facilities matching with cold storage have also been built for use.


With the formal operation of Zhoushan imported meat designated port, many representatives of foreign embassies in China, INTERPORC, French Pork Association and a number of enterprises of imported meat, cold food, aquatic products and cold chain logistics operation and so on come to seek cooperation and development.

(中国网实习生 尤迎宁 作者 杨云寒 综合报道 翻译 杜依依)

来源: 中国网    | 作者:实习生 尤迎宁 杨云寒 综合报道 翻译 杜依依    | 责编:尤迎宁     电子信箱:184042016@qq.com    

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