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Ningbo“Meishan Lion Dance” is invited to perform in Korea again
     发布时间:2017-09-17 15:44:38    

  中国网浪潮新闻 据宁波市文化部门:闻名遐迩“梅山狮王舞狮队”,继去年赴东亚文化之都日本奈良交流演出后,日前再度受韩国济州的邀请,将参加于9月20日至24日在韩国济州岛举行的“2017韩国第56届耽罗文化节”。

According to the Ningbo Cultural Department that after the exchange performance in Nara, Japan, the cultural capital of East Asia last year, the famous “Meishan Lion Dance Team” got an invitation of Cheju, South Korea again a few days ago. The team will take part in “2017 the 56th South Korea Tamna Cultural Festival” holding in Chejudo from September 20th to 24th.



According to the reports, Cultural Departments of Ningbo and Beilun District elected “Meishan Lion Dance” to have exchange performance on behalf of Ningbo Folk Art Performance Team in Nara, Japan, the cultural capital of East Asia in 2016. They were loved and welcomed by the audience of the host country—Japan.



Meishan Lion Dance Team was founded in 2005 which masters many stunts with superior difficulty, like  “quincuncial piles‘’,”dance in old-fashioned square table”, ”lion dance in high pole” and so on. In 2016, Meishan Lion Dance Team became the first folk art team of Beilun which had exchange performance overseas. In the same year, Meishan Lion Dance Team took part in the East China Dragon and Lion Invitation tournament on behalf of Zhejiang and got excellent results. In July this year, Shen Haidi, the inheritor of Meishan Lion Dance Team got the national dragon and lion sport coach certificate. He will lead 8 elite members of Meishan Lion Dance Team to go South Korea to have exchange performance.



  (中国网作者 张云松 综合报道 翻译 杜依依)

来源: 中国网    | 作者:张云松 杜依依    | 责编:张云松     电子信箱:184042016@qq.com    

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