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Specialty of Zhejiang: Pingshui Gunpowder
     发布时间:2017-09-19 16:16:08    


Pingshui Gunpowder is a unique traditional tea of Zhejiang. It is developed from Japanese tea. It is famous for its pearl shape, green color, savoury and mellow. For hundreds of years, export has never been cut off and it has become a major export of green tea products in China.



As a famous market town of Southeast Shaoxing, Pingshui was already the center of tea processing and trade in Tang dynasty. Gunpowder is mostly concentrated in Pingshui for refined processing and export. Therefore, the Gunpowder produced in Zhejiang has gradually been called "Pingshui Gunpowder "in international trade, and has been used so far. In the mid eighteenth Century, the price of Pingshui Gunpowder in the London market was as high as ten shillings and six pence per pound. The tea price was no less than jewelry, so it was also called "Green Pearl". In the 50 years of 1843~1894, Pingshui Gunpowder exported an average of 200 thousand loads per year, with a maximum of 250 thousand loads, creating the highest historical record for Chinese green tea exports.



In September, 1984, Super Gunpowder won the gold award at the 23rd world High Quality Food Selection Meeting held in Madrid, Spain. Previously, it won the national good quality products silver medal in 1981.

(中国网综合 翻译 杜依依)

来源: 中国网    | 作者:中国网综合 翻译 杜依依    | 责编:尤迎宁     电子信箱:184042016@qq.com    

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