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浙江用质量促进产业转型升级 让“品字标”照亮世界
Zhejiang use quality to promote industrial transformation and upgrading, so that "ZHEJIANG MADE" to illuminate the wor
     发布时间:2017-10-03 15:11:57    

  中国网浪潮资讯  近日,作者从浙江省质监局获悉:浙江省作为中国制造业的前沿,紧围绕重点日用消费品,坚持以点带面,突出重点产品、重点产业、重点区域,深入实施质量提升战略,以打造品字标“浙江制造”品牌为抓手,联动推进标准强省、质量强省、品牌强省建设。

Recently, the reporter learned from the Zhejiang Provincial Administration of Quality and Technology Supervision that as a frontier China manufacturing industry, Zhejiang focuses on consumer goods closely, adheres to fan out from point to area to focus on key products, key industries and key areas, and in-depth implement strategy of quality improvement. Zhejiang uses building "ZHEJIANG MADE" brand as the starting point, promote construction of empowering the province by standard, quality and brand.



It is understood that the special fund of Zhejiang province for quality improving demonstration work is about 5.2 million yuan. At present, 20 national product quality improvement demonstration projects of Zhejiang were approved by AQSIQ, the number of which ranked first in China.


At present, 52 items of "ZHEJIANG MADE" standard for consumer goods have been issued and approved, including consumer goods  like household appliances, home decoration products, clothing products, cultural and educational items, sports leisure products, traditional cultural products and so on.



Zhejiang has many innovative initiatives in terms of quality improvement, and it also provides China with the Zhejiang programmes and the Zhejiang experience.


The brand effect of "ZHEJIANG MADE" brand has already appeared. The ASD in Wenling, Zhejiang, has become one of the largest production bases of kitchenware in China. The products sell well in more than 60 countries and regions, such as Europe and America, Japan and Korea, Southeast Asia, Middle East and so on.


来源: 中国网    | 作者: 张云松 翻译 杜依依    | 责编:安静     电子信箱:184042016@qq.com    

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