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国庆第二天 杭州迎来世界600多小外交官 G89今天杭州开幕
The second day of the National Day, Hangzhou ushered more than 600 little diplomats from around the world G89 opens tod
     发布时间:2017-10-03 15:16:29    

  中国网浪潮资讯   昨天(10月2日)是国庆节第二天,杭州西湖人山人海,但在萧山宝盛水博园大酒店同样人头攒动,热闹非凡。来自美国、加拿大、澳大利亚、新西兰、墨西哥、菲律宾等国家的600多位小“外交官”陆续抵达杭州,参加为期五天的2017MMUN模拟联合国杭州国际青少年峰会。

Yesterday (October 2nd) is the second day of the National Day. In West Lake, Hangzhou, there was a sea of people, and in Blossom Water Museum Hotel, Xiaoshan, Hangzhou, was also crowded and bustling. More than 600  "little diplomats" From the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Mexico, Philippines and other countries arrived in Hangzhou to attend the 2017 Montessori Model United Nations(MMUN)·Hangzhou Conference for five days.



These little diplomats from around the world use the conference method of U.N.together, will discuss the world hot issues in the field of politics, economy, technology, diplomacy and other else, and the formation of the resolution submitted to Mr. Guterres, the United Nations Secretary General. The picture shows "G89" main venue.



Yesterday afternoon, Mr. You Shaozhong, the former representative of China National Commission for UNESCO’s arrival let the "little diplomats" at the meeting were immediately falling into his courtly and gentle temperament. Yan Qing Ling, the student of Hangzhou Qinglan Primary School walked forward to present a bouquet and said: "In my welcome speech,I use English words, especially unexpectedly Ambassador affectionately reply me in English, likes regard the real diplomat and shake my hand. It turned out that diplomats are so kind! "



Mr. Dennis Antoine, Ambassador of Grenada arrived on the wet evening. After his hard work in those years, the MMUN project can enter the Golden Hall of the U.N, This time, he came to Hangzhou with a clear smile, It’s wondering what mission and expectations he will bring.



Mr. Hans hoogeveen, representative of the FAO of the U.N. Of the Netherlands to the Rome also participate in the summit. He ran a million miles to come to this MMUN in busy. Was he looking forward to creative programs for children on environmental and climate related issues?



“little diplomats” have begun to get busy, exchange information and make friends. Now it is ready, and the grand meeting of diplomats and little diplomats are about to begin.



The picture shows the venue for the meeting.



The picture shows the little diplomats who have been reported to take pictures together and send them in their circle of friends.



The Montessori Model United Nations·Hangzhou Conference is a part of the children’s event, but the attention and discussion of these children whose heater filled with the world are related to universal issues, but also train a number of future world leaders who have international vision and who can see major issues in a certain height. The picture shows at 3 p.m.today, on October 3rd, the Montessori Model United Nations·Hangzhou Conference will be officially opened at the Shangri-La Hotel banquet hall in Hangzhou.

来源: 中国网    | 作者:特约周建仕 翻译宓文文    | 责编:安静     电子信箱:184042016@qq.com    

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