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The first direct sea mid autumn festival activities in Yuhuan Zhejiang promoting cross-strait cultural affinity between
     发布时间:2017-10-03 15:28:47    

  中国网浪潮资讯  近日,“中远之星”邮轮从浙江玉环大麦屿港启程,搭载着627位两岸旅客赴台湾欢度中秋佳节。本次中秋行活动由浙江省玉环市海峡两岸交流合作促进会主办,以海上直航和团圆中秋为主题,突出“亲情”“互动”两大特点。

Recently, "COSCO star" cruise from Damai island port in Yuhuan, Zhejiang , carrying 627 cross-strait passengers to celebrate the Mid Autumn Festival in Taiwan. The Mid-Autumn Festival is hosted by the  Strait Exchange and Cooperation Promotion Association of Yuhuan city, Zhejiang province. The theme is "direct sea" and "reunion mid-autumn" , highlighting the two characteristics of "family affection" and "interaction".



The Mid Autumn Festival theme held in the course of the trip, so that visitors deeply feel the cross-strait cultural affinity, blood ties and family affection, and added new elements for cross-strait exchanges.


As we have learned, Damai island harbor in Yuhuan is only 163 nautical mile far from Taiwan Keelung harbor , only 9 hours can arrive Keelung, at present, it is the only fixed line of course of direct navigation to taiwan in Zhejiang province . Since the opening of the sea route, the total volume of passenger traffic reached 153 thousand passengers.

来源: 中国网    | 作者:张云松综合 翻译宓文文    | 责编:安静     电子信箱:184042016@qq.com    

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