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Zhejiang scenery: Qiantang River tide
     发布时间:2017-10-04 11:14:03    

  中国网浪潮资讯    在素有天堂之称的杭州,有众多有趣的景点,举世闻名的钱塘江潮是其中最独特的景点之一。

Among the many interesting sights in this paradise city, the world-renowned Qiantang River tide is a peculiar a。ttractiony.



If the HangZhou West Lake, from which this capital city of East China's Zhejiang Province derives its fame, could be compared to a gentle and graceful young maiden, then the Qiantang tide may be seen as a fearless, all-conquering hero who allows nothing to stand in his way.


The Qiantang River tidal bore, which rises to a height of as much as 3.5m, is a spectacular natural wonder that is probably without parallel in the world.Smaller tidal bores also occur on England's Severn River, the Seine in France, the Amazon in South America and other river mouths, but none of them can rival Qiantang's in magnitude.


A tidal bore is a phenomenon in which the leading edge of the incoming tide forms a wave (or waves) of water that travels up a river or narrow bay against the direction of the current.The trumpet-shaped mouth of the Qiantang River, combined with the gravitation of the celestial bodies and the centrifugal force produced by the rotation of the earth help generate the extraordinary tidal waves it is famous for, say experts.



The Qiantang River tide occurs between the 1st and 5th, and the 16th and 20th of each lunar month, while the most breathtaking one occurs on the 18th day of the eighth lunar month.


When thrill-seekers gather on the stone-paved seawall on the day of the tidal bore, they will initially see a tranquil scene with the river placidly flowing eastward with some seagulls soaring gracefully in the distance.By 1:00 pm, a thin silver band will, all of a sudden, appear on the river in the far distance, very faint, if visible at all, along with a succession of murmuring sounds.


The thin silver band will then become wider and wider and rise higher and higher, looking as though a myriad of silvery white fish were flopping about in ceaseless tumbles or like a huge flock of white swan flapping their wings in upward flight and then moving in and swooping down.Meanwhile, the slight murmurs will have intensified, sounding now like roaring thunder that sets the earth vibrating.


  当大潮越来越近,波峰看起来像一个3或4米高的墙向四面八方喷射珍珠和玉珠,直到它完全崩溃,就在你设法恢复你的感官和鼓起足够的勇气靠近仔细看时,它已走远,以10 m / s的速度。这之后,你看到的将是绵延数英里的翻滚的河流。

Then the bore will come still nearer, with a crest that looks like a 3 or 4m-high wall spouting pearls and jade beads every which way, until it comes crashing down Just when you have managed to regain your senses and summoned up enough courage for a closer look, it will already have gone past you, at a rate of 10m per second. What is left before you is the sight of the swollen river stretching for miles without end.(中国网作者丁萨综合   翻译丁萨)(推广)

来源: 中国网综合    | 作者:翻译丁萨    | 责编:丁萨     电子信箱:184042016@qq.com    

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