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中国首个金融科技指数发布 杭州金融科技企业得分居首
China's first fintech hub index released Hangzhou financial technology enterprises scored and topped
     发布时间:2017-10-04 12:08:21    

        中国网浪潮新闻   日前,一场主题为“钱塘指数·金融科技中心指数”发布会,吸引了业内目光,《2017金融科技中心指数》现场首度发布。

Recently, a conference entitled "Qian Tang Index & Financial Technology Center Index" attracted the attention in the industry. "2017 Financial Technology Center Index" released for the first time at scene.

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On data acquisition, this index report combined with the traditional statistical data and large data acquisition technology, ranging from multi-channel data covering 2953 financial technology companies, and more than 30 thousand recruitment information of enterprises above the scale, more than 700 risk investment records, more than 2500 copies of the questionnaire, network loan and more than 200000 projects in indiegogo.


According to the overall data score, only two provinces have two first among the top 20 financial science and technology center cities in the country--Zhejiang and Guangdong. From the latitude of the ecological construction of the financial science and technology center, scientific research strength, industry associations, regulatory system and environment of Beijing are better. From the industrial latitude, Shanghai ranked first in the country in the network loan and third party payment volume, and the salaries of financial and technical personnel are the highest, the degree of internationalization is relatively high. Beijing ranks first in crowd-funding, Big data credit investigation and Block chain industry volume. From the financial and technological enterprises latitude, Hangzhou is the only one with score as high as 90 points in the financial science and technology enterprises in the country.(中国网作者丁萨综合 翻译杜依依)

来源: 中国网综合    | 作者:翻译杜依依    | 责编:丁萨     电子信箱:184042016@qq.com    

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