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Indian scholars: great-power diplomacy constantly improves China's national image and international influence
     发布时间:2017-10-05 17:30:55    

  有一种发展速度,叫中国速度。有一种发展奇迹,叫中国奇迹。随着中国综合国力的不断提升,在国际舞台上,中国的倡导与主张越来越有分量,今天的中国朋友遍天下。发展才是硬道理,中国的强大让世界意识到,不能再忽视中国的声音。但是,中国的国际影响力绝不只是根植于其发展实力,更在于它倡导和平、维护稳定、推动合作的外交立场。“得道多助,失道寡助”, 正因为如此,中国的国际影响力不断攀升,在全球治理中发挥着越来越重要的作用。
  There is a development speed called the Chinese speed. There is a development miracle called the Chinese miracle. With the continuous improvement of China's comprehensive national strength, China's proposals and advocacies are more and more important on the international stage. Today, China’s friends are all over the world. Development is the absolute principle. China's strength makes the world realize that it can no longer ignore the voice of China. However, China's international influence is not only rooted in its development strength but also its diplomatic stance of advocating peace, maintaining stability and promoting cooperation. “A just cause has many helpers while an unjust one finds few followers.” Just because of these, China's international influence is constantly improving and it is playing an increasingly important role in the global governance.
  The G20 Summit was held in Hangzhou in 2016. The G20 is the world's most important economic policy coordination mechanism. When the President Xi Jinping attended the G20 Summit for the first time as early as 2013, he made an accurate position on the G20 mechanism and stressed that it was "an important platform to make full consultation on international economic affairs for developed countries and developing countries". At the Hangzhou Summit, President Xi Jinping noted once again that the G20 should be committed to "building a community of common destiny for developed and developing countries". At the important moment of the world economic map transformation, the G20 Hangzhou Summit put development issues in a prominent position of the global macro policy framework. China shared its own experience to the world and provided a package of “treating both manifestation and root cause of problems and implementing strategies in a comprehensive manner” solutions for the global economic recovery and growth.
  As a regional cooperation platform and mechanism among emerging countries, the BRICS countries have become increasingly influential in the world. In September 2017, the leaders of BRICS countries met in Xiamen. Once again, China in its position as a responsible major country has made its great efforts to complement and enrich the global governance system and promote the international order to walk toward a more fair, just and reasonable development direction. During the Xiamen Meeting, President Xi Jinping put forward "treating each other on an equal footing, seek common points while reserving difference", "pragmatism and innovation, win-win cooperation", "concerned about the whole world, make ourselves strong and help others " three important revelations which sketched the grand vision for the second decade development of the BRICS cooperation and injected new impetus into promoting the construction of a community of shared future for mankind.
  Looking at the common development of all countries, President Xi Jinping has also proposed "The Belt and Road" Initiative which was one of the great initiatives of the 21st century. By September 2017, 74 countries and international organizations have signed "The Belt and Road" cooperation documents with China. The reason why the initiative win the support and participation of more and more countries and international organizations is that China always insists on the development concepts of " Discuss together,Building together and Sharing together" during the construction of "The Belt and Road". And “The Belt and Road” cooperation will inject new vitality for economic growth of regions and the world.
  以上几点是近年来中国国际影响力的突出体现。事实上,中国的外交魅力是无所不在的,有些时候甚至是“润物细无声”的。在对自身主权的维护中,在对许多其他国际事务的处理中,中国也不断体现出自己的尊严和价值 。没有中国的参与,很多棘手的问题无法走上和平磋商的道路,难以得到快速有效的解决。
  The above points are the highlights of China's international influence in recent years. In fact, China's diplomatic charm is omnipresent, sometimes even "silent". In the maintenance of its own sovereignty, China is also constantly reflecting its own dignity and value in the handling of many other international affairs. Without China's participation, many thorny issues could not be taken to the path of peaceful consultation and could not be solved quickly and effectively.
  Lots of people said that China's diplomacy is "great-power" diplomacy. In fact, the "great" of "great power" is not only the size of the region, the large number of people but also the breadth of mind and the great responsibilities.China is firmly committed to be "the builder of world peace, contributor of global development and defender of the international orders" in its practical action. China's great-power diplomacy is of great charm.

  (作者:Raosaheb G.Bawaskar,印度孟买国际事务及政策研究智库CEO, 曾出席2017年金砖国家智库国际研讨会。 翻译:宋乔  陈萍萍)

来源: 中国网综合    | 作者:中国网综合    | 责编:邱玉洁     电子信箱:184042016@qq.com    

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