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Homesickness resurged by dragon kiln The intangible cultural heritage linked thousands of countries
     发布时间:2017-10-06 12:32:59    

  中国网浪潮资讯   近日,义乌市义亭镇缸窑村当地村民和中外游客用一种别样的方式,在传统古村落过了一个不一样的中国节。在义乌,数以万计的国际友人在这里经商、安家,也深深地爱上了中国的文化。

Recently, the local villagers and the tourists from home and overseas had a different kind of Chinese festival in the traditional ancient village in Gangyao village, Yi Ting Town, Yiwu. In Yiwu, tens of thousands of international friends were in business here, settled down, and fell in love with the Chinese culture.


"Millennium kiln, lives forever, cheers!" Open the door of the kiln, pottery burning for seven days and seven nights have been removed from the dragon kiln one after another.Crocks, jars, cans, bottles, pots...... Each piece of pottery completed the shaping progress from the mud to a variety of forms in the potter's hands.


In addition to the solemn opening ceremony of the kiln,traditional extase,paper-cut,the ancient philosophers lamp,Wuju opera,Yiwu's cultural heritage project "Yiwu Traditional Extase ", "The Ancient Philosophers Lamp" are presented one by one.This wonderful visual feast glutted tourists’ eyes, and many people go and experience these.


"I love Yiwu, Happy Mid Autumn Festival!" An international student from Cameroon said excitedly.He was very happy to participate in the mid autumn festival experiential activities and he felt the charm of Chinese traditional festivals by participating rich and colorful activities in the scene.

  (中国网作者  胡金 翻译:杜依依)

来源: 中国网综合    | 作者:胡金 翻译:杜依依    | 责编:胡金     电子信箱:184042016@qq.com    

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