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Zhejiang Scenery: Lishui White Crane Peak
     发布时间:2017-10-08 13:18:40    

   中国网浪潮资讯  丽水白鹤尖位于云和梯田景区内,海拔1593米,为云和县最高峰,与牛头山(海拔1297米)、灵漈山(海拔1249米)、鹿角尖(海拔1166米)并称云和四大名山。

Lishui White Crane Peak is located in the Yunhe Terrace Scenic Spot with an altitude of 1593 meters and it is the highest peak of Yunhe County. It is called four renowned great mountains together with Niutoushan Mountain (its altitude is 1297 meters above sea level), LingJi Mountain (its altitude is 1249 meters above sea level) and Antlers Peak (its altitude is 1166 meters above sea level).



The reason why it called Lishui White Crane Peak is that the mountain is like a white crane and the mountain rock is all white.The mountain here is shrouded in cloud and mist and it is beautiful as a fairyland. In spring, there are red azaleas all over the mountains and plains. In autumn, the wild hawthorn is everywhere. Throughout the year, there are clouds sea, sunrise, and rare buddhist light here. So it becomes a favorite destination for many photography lovers and outdoor climbers.(中国网作者丁萨综合  翻译陈萍萍)


来源: 中国网    | 作者:丁萨综合 翻译陈萍萍    | 责编:丁萨     电子信箱:184042016@qq.com    

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