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浙江省首次发布古籍普查报告 温州平阳部分古籍为海内外孤本
Zhejiang Province first issued a census report of ancient books, some books of Pingyang, Wenzhou are the only copy at ho
     发布时间:2017-10-10 13:58:24    

  中国网浪潮资讯 日前,浙江省古籍保护中心首次公开发布《浙江省古籍普查报告》全面总结全省现存古籍的数量、价值、分布、保存状态等情况。在这份报告当中,有不少来自温州的古籍令世人惊艳,部分来自平阳图书馆的鼓词唱本更是海内外的孤本。

The day before, Zhejiang Province ancient protection center for the first published "Zhejiang Province ancient books census report"  comprehensive summarized the existing quantity, value, distribution, preservation condition and other conditions of ancient books. In this report, many ancient books from Wenzhou made the world amazed, Guci scriptures from Pingyang library is unique copy at home and abroad .



In the census process for ancient books, many valuable marginalia and proofread editions, orphans, characteristic literature, native literature and so on, have new discovery, it’s exciting. Among them, the Pingyang county library is sort out a number of characteristic native literature , such as Liu Shaokuan (Modern social activists in Wenzhou), Wang Lifu (learn from Liu Shaokuan) and other important historical figures’ works.



The museum also has some unique copies at home and abroad, such as the copy what transcribed in the republic of China "Revised Guci of Jade Dragonfly " and " Guci of The Peach Blossom Fan",  the author Huang Guang dramatized “Jade Dragonfly” and “The Peach Blossom Fan” into scripture of Wenzhou Guci with high artistic value. Especially the "Revised Guci of Jade Dragonfly " lost for many years, is now on the occasion of the census of ancient books delivered from oppression, it is precious.

  中国网作者 张云松 综合报道 翻译:宓文文

来源: 中国网    | 作者:张云松 宓文文    | 责编:张云松     电子信箱:184042016@qq.com    

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