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Yiwu experience illuminates the world's "Capital of Small Commodities"
     发布时间:2017-10-10 15:39:09    

  中国网浪潮资讯 国庆节前夕,在义乌港海关监管场所,一辆辆集装箱车排起长队,有序等待海关人员现场查验;在铁路义乌西站,一列装满小商品的中欧班列鸣响汽笛,启程奔赴万里之外的西班牙首都马德里……

On the eve of national day, , container trucks lined up one by one in customs supervision place of Yiwu, waiting for customs officers’ on-site inspection orderly; At the Yiwu West Railway Station, a “Yiwu-Xinjiang-Europe” cargo train filled with small commodities sounded siren and set off for Madrid, the capital of Spain, from ten thousands of miles away......



Yiwu, the city of Xiaoyi(devotion to parents and loyalty to friends) with 2000-year-history, the world's largest commodity distribution center making many people amazing, the important node city suddenly rising in the promotion of "The Belt and Road". Now, under the guidance of the experience of Yiwu, Yiwu has embarked on a new journey to build the "Capital of Small Commodity" in the world.


As the world's largest small commodity wholesale market, the development of Yiwu China Commodity City has attracted much attention from all walks of life. In recent years, in the context of the rapid development of e-commerce, some people have raised such concerns: in the face of the powerful impact of e-commerce, the Yiwu market can continue to prosper? Even someone began to feel pessimistic about the Yiwu market.


Facing the overbearing challenges, The Yiwu market did not sit still and await destruction, but make efforts to transform actively. In the process, the Yiwu experience played an important role of key stand. As one of the six major connotations of Yiwu experience, the establishment of the market and Commerce has again become the leader and cornerstone of the scientific development of Yiwu and the construction of a well-off society in an all-round way.

  中国网作者 张云松 综合报道 翻译:杜依依

来源: 中国网    | 作者:张云松 杜依依    | 责编:张云松     电子信箱:184042016@qq.com    

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