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外媒关注中国5年发展成就 阿里等科技公司已领先世界
Foreign medias pay attention to China's five-years development achievements,Alibaba and other technology companies have
     发布时间:2017-10-10 17:20:41    

  中国网浪潮资讯 进入10月,外媒对中国的关注开始升温,持续报道中国5年来发生的变化和取得的成就。日本东京广播公司、美国CNBC、CNN等主流媒体聚焦中国高科技互联网产业的发展,称中国在诸多领域已领先世界,阿里巴巴等公司成为中国互联网产业高速发展的范例。

Entering into October, the attention of foreign medias to China began to heat up, continuing to report on China's changes and achievements in the past five years. Tokyo Broadcasting System, Inc., CNBC, CNN and other mainstream medias in the United States focused on the development of China's High-tech Internet Industry. It was said China has led the world in many fields.Alibaba and other companies have become an example of the rapid development of China's Internet industry.


  Japanese media visited Alibaba and said that China has surpassed Japan in E-commerce.




(Photos:Journalist of Tokyo Broadcasting System, Inc.visited Alibaba anti-counterfeiting team)


During the National Day Holiday, the video of Tokyo Broadcasting System, Inc. visiting Alibaba headquarter  "Spread throughout" Wechat Moments. The director of Beijing branch of Tokyo Broadcasting System, Inc.Inoue Wave found Chinese people have a habit that they buy everything in online shopping way even just a small pen after came to China. In addition, Chinese also created the new words like "Shopaholic", "Double 11" . Expect for astonishment, Inoue Wave was also surprised by how the Chinese E-commerce and distribution systems operates.Thus,Inoue Wave went to Alibaba's Hangzhou Headquarter to find out how it works.


In Aliaba, Inoue Wave saw the strong technological capabilities of Chinese companies. In order to ensure that the annual "Double 11" is not down, it not only has traditional IT infrastructures as the support but also the powerful computing power of Aliyun Public Yun Platform provides a solid backing for the instantaneous explosion of transactions amounts. He also found that nearly 300 people in Ali work exclusively on anti-counterfeiting, occupying an entire floor. " Anti-counterfeiting not only depends on the appearance, but also relies on the big data.This the fact that I didn't think about it and it was also the most impressive thing during my interview."


"I think China has been developing really fast in over a decade. Because Japan has not yet developed in such a scale. So in E-commerce, I think China’s development has already surpassed Japan.” Inoue Wave said full of emotion.


  China has become a world leader in many science and technology areas.

  10月5日,欧洲著名投行Saxo Bank首席经济学家Steen Jakobsen做客美国CNBC访谈时说,中国为科技发展制定了明晰的战略和政策,相比之下,美国和欧洲政府没有足够能力遇见未来世界的变化趋势。

On October 5th, chief economist of famous European investment bank Saxo Bank Steen Jakobsen said during the interview in the United States CNBC that China has set clear strategies and policies for the development of science and technology. By contrast, American and European governments do not have enough ability to foresee the future trend of the world.



(Photo:China has successfully launched the world's first quantum scientific experimental satellite “Mo - tse”)

  Steen Jakobsen直言不讳地指出,“中国已经在多个科技领域成为世界的引领者,未来美国在科技领域有可能落后于中国。”比如,中国今年7月出台了新一代人工智能发展规划,计划到2030年成为世界主要人工智能创新中心。再比如量子计算领域,世界首颗量子科学实验卫星“墨子号”在中国发射升空,标志着中国空间科学研究又迈出重要一步。

Steen Jakobsen said bluntly, "China has become a world leader in a number of technological areas and the United States is likely to lag behind China in science and technology in the future."  For example, China unveiled a new generation  of artificial intelligence development plans in July this year that it plans to become the world's major artificial intelligence innovation center by 2030. In quantum computing, the world's first quantum scientific experimental satellite “Mo - tse” blasted off in China that marked China has another important step in space science research.


In fact, China's high-tech Internet enterprises such as Alibaba have already laid out their quantum computing fields. In 2015, Alibaba and Chinese Academy of Sciences jointly set up a quantum computing laboratory and it was the first time that Chinese technology company have participated in quantum computing research. In September this year, Alibaba confirmed that the entry of Shi Yaoyun who is a world famous quantum computing scientist and tenured professor of University of Michigan, appointing him as chief quantum technology scientist of Aliyun.


  Alibaba and other Chinese enterprises are leading the world innovation trend.


According to the reports of foreign medias, China's high-tech Internet companies are not only seeking technological breakthroughs but also exploring the most cutting-edge business models.

  10月6日,CNN网站刊文《中国最大的电子商务公司渴望改造线下实体店》,称,亚马逊斥资137亿美元收购高端食品连锁店全食超市(Whole Foods Market),涉足线下零售领域。这一波新零售潮流中,无论从市场规模还是业务形态都已领先世界。

On October 6th, the published article of CNN Website “China's largest E-commerce company desire to transform offline stores” said that Amazon paid $13.7 billion to purchase high-end food multiple shop Whole Foods Market and involved in offline retail filed. This new wave of retail trends has led the world in both market size and business form.


CNN said that China's largest E-business platform Alibaba has already put the new retail strategy of online and offline integration into practice and Ali's Hema Fresh has stirred up China's fast-growing online food market. According to IGD capital predict, the market value of the industry will reach $180 billion by 2020.



(Ptoho:Hema Fresh creates a new form of business)

  知名科技资讯网站Technode 10月2日刊文《中国科技巨头正在模糊行业边界》,在高科技领域的竞争中,“生态系统”是一个非常时髦的词汇,互联网公司用技术手段将用户、商品和数据结合到一起,创造出跨界融合的商业模式,中国的科技巨头们正在快速拓展这一商业模式,并为世界提供范例。

According to the published article of famous science and technology information website Technode “China's tech giant are blurring the industry's borders” on October 2th, in the competition of high-tech field, "Ecosystem" is a very fashionable word. Internet companies use technical means to  combine users, commodities and data as a whole, creating a cross-border integration business model.China's tech giants are rapidly expanding the business model and provide examples for the world.

  报道称,在中国,阿里巴巴是商业生态系统最典型的代表,它的业务不仅包括电商平台和金融服务,还包括云计算、物流、娱乐、健康甚至导航。它是O2O、 B2B、 B2C、 C2C等模式的综合体,还包括你所能想到的其他任何模式。

According to the report, Alibaba is the most typical representative of the business ecosystem in China, its business includes not only the E-business platform and financial services but also Yun computing, logistics, entertainment, health and navigation. It is a synthesis of O2O, B2B, B2C, C2C and other models and it also includes any other model you can think of.

  中国网作者 李斌 综合报道 翻译:陈萍萍

来源: 中国网    | 作者:李斌    | 责编:张云松     电子信箱:184042016@qq.com    

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