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Chinese immigrants’ return let Wenzhou the remote village become a popular tourist attractions
     发布时间:2017-10-15 17:03:02    


Liu Jianbo and his wife, has lived in Italy for more than 20 years, after saw the development and changes in Wenzhou, in December 2015, they officially returned to Wuyang village, Wencheng county of Wenzhou opened "Bai Huiyang Villa" hostel.



6 years ago the Wuyang was backward village in remote mountainous areas, the village collective economy is zero, about 2/3 of the villagers go out, leaving only the elderly with left-behind children. In 2012, Wuyang with beautiful rural construction in Zhejiang Province, a total of five water treatment, three changes a demolition and other environmental comprehensive renovation, by the infrastructure construction, facade renovation, investment and so on, Wuyang conducted a comprehensive upgrade.


Wuyang’s "big changing face" attracted many villagers go home to start business, Liu Jianbo is to see the local government support for the pension, so give up the garment and then processing business in the hostel. Liu Jianbo told reporters: during the National Day this year, "Bai Huiyang Villa" rooms were full, many tourists even ahead of more than 20 days to booking.



The development of rural tourism has also caused the local villagers' "pocketbook" to drum up. The development of the whole area tourism makes the whole village realize free WiFi full coverage, all the wires are buried, and the houses adopt a unified style...... Now the Wuyang became the hot destination where Wenzhou people choose to travel.

  中国网综合 译/宓文文

来源: 浙江在线    | 作者:中国网综合 译/宓文文    | 责编:张云松     电子信箱:184042016@qq.com    

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