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“中国梦 品牌梦”浙江采供对接会暨品牌营销峰会在杭成功举办
“Chinese Dream Brand Dream” Zhejiang Purchase Docking Meeting and Brand Marketing Summit held successfully in Hangzhou
     发布时间:2017-10-16 09:10:31    

  中国网浪潮资讯   为增强浙江名品营销和服务的有效供给,推动制造业和服务业的深度融合,联合浙江省名品企业积极探索营销渠道拓展与创新。北京时间10月14日,由浙江省商务厅指导,浙江省商贸业联合会、浙江省连锁经营协会联合主办的“浙江采供对接会暨品牌营销峰会”在杭州白马湖国际会展中心成功举办。

  CNCAO NEWS In order to enhance the effective supply of Zhejiang product marketing and services, to promote the deeply integrated of manufacturing and service, combined with famous enterprises in Zhejiang Province to explore marketing channel expansion and innovation actively. Beijing time on October 14th, guided by the Commerce Department of Zhejiang Province, jointly sponsored by Zhejiang Trade Association Of Commerce and ZheJiang Chain-Store & Franchise Association, the “Zhejiang Purchase Docking Meeting and Brand Marketing Summit” successfully held in Hangzhou White Horse Lake International Convention and Exhibition Center.


  This meeting was addressed by Wu Delong, the senior president of Zhejiang Trade Association Of Commerce, who made a speech at the meeting in person, the meeting commended the “2017 Zhejiang Province Excellent Franchise Brand” “2017 Most Growing Franchise Brand”


  Meng Gang, director of the Commerce Department of Zhejiang Province, visited the venue


  The conference invited Zhao Haoxing, well known marketing expert and the vice president of Zhejiang Modern Business Development Research Institute, Wang Dong, famous network marketing expert, Dean of the Wang Tai Industry Internet Research Institute to make the theme sharing of “Return to the essence of business, successful brand marketing” and “the brand marketing strategy in the Internet Age”.


  Though the Zhejiang Purchase Docking Meeting and Brand Marketing Summit, build a good platform for supply and requisitioning parties to make a deeper discussion and communication, listen to and learn from the high perspicacity of experts and scholars, help expansion and innovation of marketing channels for enterprises in the new normal.

  (作者:张渊 邱玉洁 报道 翻译:黄璐)

来源: 中国网    | 作者:张渊 邱玉洁 报道 翻译:黄璐    | 责编:胡金     电子信箱:184042016@qq.com    

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