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Zhejiang held the fourth "At-most-once running" reform news conference
     发布时间:2017-10-17 10:42:54    

  中国网浪潮资讯   北京时间10月16日,作者在杭州举办的浙江“最多跑一次”改革第四次新闻发布会上获悉,浙江省正大力推进“1253”公共数据共享技术体系建设,着力打破政府部门间的“信息孤岛”,实现网上受理办事申请的全覆盖,力争在年底前实现省市县三级办件量前100位的事项数据共享。

On October 16th, Beijing time, the reporter was informed from Zhejiang "At-most-once running" reform fourth news conference what held in Hangzhou that the Zhejiang province is vigorously promoting the sharing technology system for the "1253" public data, to break the "information lonely island" between the departments of government, to realize the full coverage of online acceptance services, and strive to achieve the top 100 done work data of province, city and county three levels before the end of the year.


At present, the need to sort out data source and the confirmation work of data of the top 100 items from Zhejiang provincial departments have been completed, there are 43 business application systems of 24 departments basically completed the docking of one window acceptance platform. Zhejiang city and county actively promote the docking of the local system and "one window acceptance" platform, the cumulative access to 76 municipal systems and 27 county-level systems. The opening rates of online applications in provinces, cities and counties were 79.9%, 61.5% and 55.9% respectively. Unified public payment platform cumulative payment business amounted to 30 million 900 thousand, the delivery quantity of certifications is reach 10 million 810 thousand times.


In September, Zhejiang Gongshang University launched the "At-most-once running" reform covering in all cities and counties of Zhejiang Province, sampling 20000 samples to do the work of government recently. The satisfaction rate of enterprises and masses on the reform of "At-most-once running" reached 95.71%, 8.81 percentage points higher than that of June.


Ju Jianlin, office director ofZhejiang provincial, Zhang Geng, Wenzhou mayor, Ma Weiguang, Shaoxing mayor, Wen Nuan, mayor of Zhoushan City, Yang Jing, the Health and Family Planning Commission Director of Zhejiang Province and Yang Biming, the deputy director of the Legislative Affairs Office of Zhejiang province attended the meeting.

  (作者:张渊 王思杨 报道 翻译:宓文文)

来源: 中国网综合    | 作者:张渊 王思杨 报道 翻译:宓文文    | 责编:胡金     电子信箱:184042016@qq.com    

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