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"Medical artificial intelligence laboratory in Zhejiang" will be landed in Hangzhou
     发布时间:2017-10-18 14:18:59    


Recently, in the cloud conference wisdom medical special scene, "medical artificial intelligence laboratory in Zhejiang" inaugurated by declaration of Alibaba health and Zhejiang University jointly.


"One of the goals of this laboratory is to implement a medical imaging assistant diagnostic robot." said Wang Weilin, dean of The First Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University medical school, robot can achieve feature extraction, quantitative evaluation, focus marker, scheme recommendation and other functions according to the medical image, the checking doctor will make image report on the basis of this, "Zhejiang University Hospital at present has been applied in thyroid disease image, in some cases, the robot even more accurate diagnosis than the doctor next, in cooperation with Alibaba, will also be applied to pulmonary nodules, hepatobiliary and pancreatic diseases such as diagnostic imaging."


The use of artificial intelligence to help doctors, will also significantly improve the grassroots medical service capacity, to solve the problem of high quality medical resources too concentrated. Take Zhejiang Province as an example, 70% of the top three hospitals are concentrated in Hangzhou, Zhejiang University Hospital admissions nearly 70% patients from the field. "Medical artificial intelligence technology is an effective means to solve the insufficient primary medical service capacity and improve the ability of early screening of high-risk diseases." Wang Weilin said that one of the functions of this technology is to help primary doctors quickly read the film and improve the diagnostic accuracy.


It is understood that the laboratory plans to use 3 years to construct the medical conjoined data platform what base on block chain technology, medical artificial intelligence image aided diagnosis platform, medical big data intelligent scientific research platform, medical artificial intelligent clinical decision support platform these four public platforms’ products, achieves the artificial intelligence, data mining and other technologies’ using in the field of medical treatment in Zhejiang Province.

  (中国网综合 翻译:宓文文)

来源: 中国网综合    | 作者:中国网综合 翻译:宓文文    | 责编:胡金     电子信箱:184042016@qq.com    

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