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Zhejiang scenery:Shipu fishing port city
     发布时间:2017-10-22 13:40:36    

  石浦是个有600余年的渔港古城,位于浙江中部沿海,宁波市象山县南部的石浦港畔。尽管时代变迁,但在石浦老街中,依然可以感受到明清建筑的丝丝风貌,渔贾文化的连绵气息。 石浦渔港古城的主街,空间封闭连续,台阶高低曲折,层层递进。集江南古镇的古朴灵秀和山城渔港的蜿蜒多变于一体。

Shipu, a 600-year fishing port city, is located in the central coast of Zhejiang, beside the port of Shipu, the South of Xiangshan, Ningbo. Although times changed,you can still feel the architectural style of Ming and Qing Dynasties, the continuous atmosphere of fishing culture in Shipu old street. The space of main stem in Shipu fishing port city is closed and continuous, and the steps turn high and low, layer by layer. It combines simple and unsophisticated, delicately beautiful qualities of Jiangnan ancient town winding and changeable qualities of fishing city in one.  



The middle stem of Shipu fishing port city is the most complete, ancient, exotic, bustling commercial street. The atmosphere of fishing merchants is strong. The middle stem was built in the Hongwu Period of Ming Dynasty, although it had been repaired several times, it still retained its original features. Every stone tablet, every brick and tile, every vaguely discernible shop number, will tell the tourists more than 600-year stories. The middle stem is paved with stone slabs and stone steps, and they are inlaid on the hillside in accordance with the trend, which show its unique features.



来源: 中国网综合    | 作者:邱玉洁 杜依依 译    | 责编:邱玉洁     电子信箱:184042016@qq.com    

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