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China's first "Urbanology" characteristic library opened in Hangzhou Normal University
     发布时间:2017-10-23 10:05:29    


Beijing time October 19th, the Hangzhou library Urbanology branch library in Hangzhou international city research center Cangqian building (Hangzhou Normal University) held the opening ceremony.


This is the first characteristic library named "Urbanology" in China. It takes "Urban and Urban Studies" as its collection features, with collection of books and documents nearly 130 thousand volumes.


These collection of books and documents, not only the studies of urban historical documents, books, but also contains various types of literature which reflecting the city's realistic problems ; And there are both classic books and documents of famous celebrities, as well as new literature of new ideas and communication. In the catalogue, classification and layout, taking the main theme of the city the world, China and Zhejiang, highlighting the theme of the city. Seven major urban problems, such as urban floating population, urban education, urban medical and health care, urban transportation, urban land housing, urban cultural heritage protection and urban environment, are taken as the backbone, Forming a classification of books and documents with the characteristics of urban studies.


It is also an "open" to highlight the library, taking open management mode with collecting and reading. In the collection space, with the whole building as the library, out of the confined room, the library will be integrated into a larger space. Reporters see, in the training area, public areas and other available space, as far as possible arranging books and documents.


The library is jointly run by the Hangzhou library and the Hangzhou International Urban Research center. At present, Hangzhou library has been allotting to the museum for books in 17 thousand and 500 volumes, which contains 1505 copies of Siku Quanshu.

  [中国网综合  翻译:张旭]

来源: 中国网综合    | 作者:中国网综合 翻译:张旭    | 责编:胡金     电子信箱:184042016@qq.com    

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