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North American largest cross-border mobile e-commerce settled in Xiaoshan
     发布时间:2017-10-24 11:53:53    


In recent years, the rapid development of Xiaoshan has attracted major e-commerce to settle down. To deepening cooperation agreement signed with the Alibaba from the settlement of Wish China, the largest cross-border mobile e-commerce in North America, not only brings new opportunities for the development of e-commerce industry in Xiaoshan, but also promotes the transformation and upgrading of Xiaoshan's foreign trade and the adjustment of industrial structure.



Wish was founded in Silicon Valley, San Francisco, USA in 2011. In just a few years, the company's sales increased by more than 5 times, which was named the United States TOP10 start-up company, and become a dark horse of cross-border e-commerce platform. In 2015, it became the largest cross-border mobile e-commerce in North America.


According to the cooperation agreement between Xiaoshan Economic and Technological Development Zone Management Committee and Wish China, Xiaoshan Economic and Technological Development Zone will provide special venues and funds to support the rapid development of "star factory" and "Star Youth" project of Wish in the future. Wish will be registered in the Cross-border E-commerce Park in Xiaoshan Development Zone, and actively serve the region's foreign trade exports. At the same time, it guides the seller to register and settle in Xiaoshan, and strive to promote the innovation and development of cross-border e-commerce.


At present, the office of Wish in Xiaoshan Development Zone Industrial Park has been renovated, and Wish will be settled in the Development Zone in October. In addition, Star Youth Project of Wish China will unite many colleges and universities around the country, and set up Wish cross-border e-commerce Institute (class) to help entrepreneurship and employment of college students in Xiaoshan.

  (中国网综合  翻译:杜依依)

来源: 中国网综合    | 作者:中国网综合 翻译:杜依依    | 责编:胡金     电子信箱:184042016@qq.com    

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